Telephone: Whitehall 3-1480 B RITISH CONSULATE Replies should be addressed to H.M. Consul GENERAL, General and not to individuals by name. 720 N. Michigan Avenue, Please quote Reference No. 13 ¥ CHICAGO 11, ILLINOIS May 8, 1957. Dear Sir, I have received your letter of May 3 concerning your journey to Australia and stating that you and Mrs. Lederberg, both American citizens with valid passports, wish to stop at Fiji for two or three days. You will not need visas for this brief stay in Fiji,as long as you have your onward transportation to Australia and your Australian visas. Yours very truly, (for the Consul-General) §.R.Airey. Professor J. Lederberg, The Medical School University of Wisconsin Madison 6, Wisconsin. ep