WORLD HEALTH Kinde ORGANISATION MONDIALE ‘ iS ORGANIZATION Yee DE LA SANTE SLY Oa CENTRE INTERNATIONAL DE RECHERCHE SUR LE CANCER INTERNATIONAL AGENCY FOR RESEARCH ON CANCER 150, COURS ALBERT-THOMAS ~ 69372, LYON Cédex2— FRANCE Tal.(78)75 8) 81- Télégr. Unicancer Lyon — Telex 380023— In reply please refer to : C2/12/11 26 ‘May 198] Priere de rappeler Ja reférance : Dear Dr Infante Thank you for your letter of 12 Mey 1981. I was Surprised by some of your remarks, especially those suggesting both that the Working Group was not familiar with IARC criteria, and further, intimating that the members of the Working Group did not follow these criteria when reviewing data on formaldehyde. While we are grateful for comments on the activities of such working groups, since they help IARC to improve the quality of evaluations, I would like to Teessure you, however, that not only were the members of this working group scientists of experience and wide knowledce, but also, they were perfectly aware of all the elements which are required in making an evaluation. , I appreciate your willingness to provide us with new information; however, you will be awere that it is TARC policy when evaluating chemicals included in the Monograph Series, to consicer only data that has appeared, or will be published, in the peer-reviewed scientific literature. No exception is mede to this rule, es past experience has shown that making exceptions, such as using the Feéeral Recister, reports from the Regulatory Agency, etc., may lead to misinéerstandincs, error anc complaints, es was the case, Zor examnDle, with beryvilicun. Only ‘for information related to che production end use of substances Go we Gepart from that rule, because such Gata ere not taken into consideration in builéing up an evaluation, end because most are not published normally in the scientific literature. Dr P.F. Infante Director ffice of Carcinogen Identification and Classification U.S. Department of Lebor Occupational Safety end Health Acministration washington, D.C. 20210 Dr P.F. Infante Page 2 I would add that your letter, its content ana style, also its wide Gessemination, could be interpreted as an attempt by OSHA to influence a working party of the Agency, and to cast espersions on the scientific integrity ané objectivity of its members whose reputations are internationally recognized. Purther, it has serious political implications @éS attacking the Objectivity of the Agency's Scientific and Governing Councils. I should point out that the United States is officially represent- ed on the latter. Perhaps Dr Kang, being on his first visit, was unfamiliar with the work and scientific background of the Committee. His views. unfortunately lend Support to the views of some of the working group members that he wes not appearing es an incependent scientist es is the practice. While this may not have been your intention, I am sure you realize that it is my immediate duty to Protect the autonomy of the working group members, whose scientific integrity I have no reason to doubt. . Finally, I have the impression that your letter originates trom your having received partial or incomplete information. The Working Group egreed that if the monograph on formaldehyde WweS to be published in Volume 27, its evaluation had to be formulated on the basis of the published information. For th reason, and unless further Gata on this compound eppear in press or it has been officially confirmed that new Gata heve been eccepted for publication, the Working Group decided that the evaluation should be that there is limited evidence of carcinogenicity. The Working Group, incluGing Dr Kang, left to the IARC Secretariat the Option, however, of GecidGing whether the monograph on formaldehyde should be printed in its present form, Or whether it should be Geleyed pending the publication of new Gata. It wes also agreed that if new Gata heve appeared in press before the monograph is due to be sent to the printer, the evéluation woulé@ be revised. t Su Cories of your letter ane my reply will be circulated +o é1l members of the Working Party. Yours sincerely, . — 7a a fp a , Bt s a a / , John EieSinson, M.D. a Director cc: Dr T.G. Auchter, Waeshincton D C., USK Dr L. Tomatis, IARC All members of the TZRC Working Group