ARMY MEDICAL SERVICE GRADUATE SCHOOL WALTER REED ARMY MEDICAL CENTER WASHINGTON 12, D.C. IN REPLY REFER TO MEDEC}-Z IEP 30 vuly 1953 Professcr Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics Colleze of Asriculture University of Wisconsin Madison, Wisconsin Dear Joshua, I have just read the letter you sent to Tom Courtenay and I may possibly be able to clear up the situation. On my return from Cold Spring Harbor, I hac these cultures sent to you alon:; with a letter which I assumed was to be enclosed with the cul- turese In the enclosed letter, I mentioned thet I was unable to obtain any further information as to the history of the Fara B cultures N 25 and N 97 as you requested, I did manage to convey your message to Dr. Weed and I suspect that he has sent you the materials you wished. As to the eultures [ 139 and D 1909/52, these are supposedly EB. coli strains which contain the IX somatic factor, D 139 was isolated by Van Oge in the Belgian Congo from a patient with a typhoid-like syndrome (Ref. Ann, Instit. Past. 8, pee 684, December, 1951). D/1909/52 was isolated by Vandepitte in the Belzian Congo and also reacts in IX serum. I had the impressior that ,ou said ;ou might be interested in examining these cul- tures when I last saw youe In any case, I would like to say that I certainly appreciated your kind hospitality durin; my visit to your laboratory. Please give my best regards to your wife and to Boris Rotman whom I understand is now at “isconsin. Sincerely yours, Louis %, Baron Dept. of Bacterial Physiolo:y Immunology Division LSB/rp