Reply to Attn of: RS NAS/A National Aeronautics and Space Administration Washington, D.C. 20546 MAY 15 1980 Dr. Joshua Lederberg President Rockefeller University 1230 York Avenue Manhatten, NY 10021 Dear Josh: Bill Nierenberg recently remarked to me that it might be useful to convene a group of really top-level biologists to spend one or two days considering the future goals of life sciences within NASA. I recognize that there is nothing particularly dramatic in this approach. Indeed, one could argue we are already awash with advisory committees. Recently the Space Science Board has appointed two subcommittees in the areas of space medicine and life sciences. Gerry Soffen has also founded an internal advisory committee, chaired by Dick Wurtman. Even so, there is a possi- bility that we may not be receiving the necessary advice from persons with unusual experience, competence, and vision. I dis- cussed the issue briefly with Gerry. His feelings are rather neutral -- the pluses and minuses almost cancel out. I told Bill Nierenberg that I would get in touch with you to seek your opinion. Do you think that such a meeting carefully planned in advance and scheduled next fall or winter would be a good idea? Assume that the meeting included possibly a half-dozen to a dozen biologists. Would you be interested in attending? Would you agree to playing a role in persuading other biologists to devote their time to this meeting? You may answer by mail if you wish, but don't feel obliged to. Instead, I will call you in several weeks to get your opinions. Sincerely, i. (hs fim Thomas A. Mutch _ R Lon| ny Associate Administrator +7 A sa x for Space Science Ln MA Die - Hak ? Spl