7 e D f THE ROCKEFELLER UNIVERSITY 1230 YORK AVENUE NEW YORK, NY 10021 June 26, 1979 JOSHUA LEDERBERG PRESIDENT Dr. A. Bruce Bishop Executive Director New York State Energy Research and Development Authority Rockefeller Plaza Albany, New York 12223 Dear Dr. Bishop: ‘This is to respond to your letter of June 19th requesting information on coal research programs at the University. The Rockefeller University is pre- eminently a biomedical research institute and we do not have any programs here that might at first order comply with the expressed interests in "a strong technology base for coal conversion". For that rea- son, I have not attempted to respond further to the questionnaire -- which as you know itself must entail some consumption of scarce resources. On further reflection, however, it seemed to me that there might be some lesson in the non-congruence behind our response. Insufficient attention to the health and other environmental consequences of energy production, by other routes has had the gravest politi- cal and economic consequenées already. I hope we will not face the same sorry history in the exploitation of coal;but this is quite likely to happen if we do not pursue, much more aggressively, the potential health hazards of various forms of carbon and particularly of polyaromatic components that dominate most schemes of coal ligqu@faction. In your further discussion of the development of a university coal laboratory program I hope you will be giving more than perfunctory atten- tion to the research base needed to validate the health effects of coal conversion, and by the health policy standards of 1990 rather than 1950. Yours sincerely, foshua Lederberg