Rye rf DFL RY New York State Energy Research and Development Authority Rockefeller Plaza e Albany, New York 12223 (518) 465-6251 June 19, 1979 President The Rockefeller University 1230 York Avenue New York, New York 10021 Dear Sir: The New York State Energy Research and Development Authority recognizes the long term importance of coal in the State's future energy supply strategy, and is most interested in developing new technologies that will convert coal into a reliable, economic and environmentally at- tractive energy form. The University Coal Laboratory (UCL) Program being developed by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) provides an opportunity to develop, within New York State, a strong technology base for coal conversion systems. For this reason, NYSERDA is actively pursuing the University Coal Laboratory Program in cooperation with the academic community of New York State. The final rules for the University Coal Laboratory Program were published in the Federal Register on May 1, 1979, in response to a congressional initiative which will include appropriations from the budgets of fiscal years 1980 through 1984. New York State universities could compete for one of three laboratories to be established in states which do not have a large coal production industry. The maximum federal support available for this laboratory will be $2.3 million in fiscal year 1980 for facility design, construction, and startup costs, and $650,000 per year in fiscal years 1981 to 1984 for facility operation. The operations support must be matched with an equal cost share of nonfederal support. We sponsored an information meeting concerning the UCL Program on June 5, 1979 (minutes attached) and representatives from several universities met to discuss the interest in and potential for preparing a New York State-based response to this federal procurement. One important point University Coal Laboratory Program Page 2 raised by meeting participants was the need to solicit additional SL information on coal research programs or other research programs that may relate to coal use from other universities throughout the state. NYSERDA was asked to act as coordinator in assembling this information. Therefore, a short description of any ongoing or planned coal or coal related research programs at your University. A one-or-two page description of the program prepared according to the attached format would be appreciated. I also invite you to participate in a follow-up meeting to be organized by NYSERDA in which the various university program descriptions will be reviewed and reconmendations made relative to a New York State University Coal Laboratory response. Thank you for the time and effort which you will put forth to cooperate in this mutual effort. Please contact Tom Mullen, of my staff, at the above address with any questions or comments that you may have. I Took forward to working with you on future coal research efforts as our programs progress. Sincerely, NEW YORK STATE ENERGY RESEARCH AND DEVELOPENT AUTH@RITY Dr. A. Bruce Bishop Executive Director ABB/re