October 24, 1975 Dr. John Pryer Department of Microbiology Oregon State University Corvallis, Oregon 97331 Dear Dr. Fryer, I was interested to learn you are considering Fugene Nester as Chairman of Microbiology at Oregon State University in Co Ss. Eugene Nester was a postdoctoral fellow in my Lab from September 1961 to August 1962. He did pioneering work on linkage and other aspects of molecular genetics of B. subtilis, and has maintained a role of high productivity in this field ever since. I would characterize his work as insightful, efficient and well organized rather than displaying the utmost of artistic creativity. His work is well regarded as showing a high order of caregul planning and execution. These, generally, are just the attributes one seeks in a department head in a well established field. He is personally responsible, considerate and very well liked. He is bound to be respected as a leader of an organization rather than of a achool of thought. As I knew him he had a rather broad scientific culture, and he should relate well to all aspects of his role at Oregon. His work on the biochemical genetics of aromatic metabolism in B. subtilis has been solid and useful, and his new work on crown gall shows © every sign of innovative and productive insight. I have, of course, no direct experience of him as a professional colleague in school affairs, but he does have a deep loyalty to microbiology as an important discipline with many ramifications for human affairs. I think you will find him tough and stubborn on the right issues, but always fair-minded and temperate. I think he would do a first rate job as Chairman at the Oregon State University. All things considered, I cannot think of any obviously more qualified candidate in this range of age and experience, which it is most appropriate you should now tap. Sincerely yours,