April 30, 1953 Dr, L. 3S. Daron Army Medical Sorvice Graduate School Washington 12, 3.0. Dear Dr. Baron: Thenk you for your lester of ths 27th, just received, and your efforts to find the derelict cultures. Your report on the f#ranaductions with Vi-typing phages is most interesting. I whoula be sorry if a bricfer visit aext month would preclude any possibliity of a longer one later, but I do not see how it would be possible tu uccumpilate you in the lmuediate future. We are currently quite crowded, cur summer plans are rather indefinite; and we have the prospect of a remocelliny cof the laboratory sometime during the next several months, at short notice which I do not now have. I would welcome your visit at the time previcusly indicated. I doubt that you lack any facilities for your experimental work which youawould be likely to find here, and youvisit should muke it possible to confer later almost aa freely as if you werd in the laboratory. Yours sincerely, Joshua Lederterg a