ARMY MEDICAL SERVICE GRADUATE SCHOOL WALTER REED ARMY MEDICAL CENTER WASHINGTON 12, D.C. April 27, 1953 Prof. Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics University of Wisconsin Madison 6, Wisconsin Dear Dr. Lederberg, Under separate gover, I am sending the only two strains of So abortus-equi that we have available, one being #26 which was listed here as smooth at the time of lyophilization, while the other strain, 4l-D has not been exemined here to any extents Next, let me say that this is indeed the Army Medical Schoél so your original assumption was quite correcte The department I am with (Bact.Physiology) isa | part of the Immunology Division, while the Bacteriology Department iz attached to the Communicable Diseases Divisione Any of the cultures sent by Dre Bruner, if preserved, would be in either of these two departments. Unfortunately, we have been unable to locate any other cultures of Se. napoli or any somatic group B Salmonella which are non-motile(typhimurium or other species of this group). Many of the cultures sent to the Bacteriology Department for diagnosis were evidently discarded, and this has been, I fear, the fate of the cultures sent by Dre Brunere However, I will attempt to make some further inquiries particularly since all the records I have examined fail to even indicate the receipt of these cultures. In regard to our experiments here, we have employed Vi phage preparations made by lysing Vi typhoid strains with their specific Vi typing phages. Usin specific Vi phage By, & phage lysate was prepared from S.typhosa strain Ty2 (Xy1 ‘, S). This lysate was used to treat S. typhosa strain 643 which absorbs phage EH, but is not lysed by it(Se typhosa 643 is Xyl -, S® and appeare to be phage type 29). We have also used a Vi phage K preparation for the transduction of the Kylose factor in this straine At present we are examining some auxotrophic typhoid strains for transduction to prototrophy with the typing phagese We are also interested in the transduction of flagellar factors from Vi strains of Typhoid ( d ) to non- typhoid Vi strains (Ses paratyphi C ( c, 1,5) by means of the typing phagese In addition, we have been giving some thought to the transduction of the Vi antigen itself, end are working with two typhoid cultures, one being a W form which is lysogenic for Vi phage E2 and the other is a so-called degraded Vi culture which is carrying a phage or phages active on both 090]l{non-V1) and on Vi strains. I have been wondering whether it would be possible for me to spend some time working in your laboratory (about 3 months) on these and associated problems; it is likely that such an arrangement would be approved as far as this institution is cencerned. ARMY MEDICAL SERVICE GRADUATE SCHOOL WALTER REED ARMY MEDICAL CENTER WASHINGTON 12, D.C. If for any reason this type of an arrangement should be inconvenient for you, I would then be most happy to visit you for a fww days during the week of May 18, again xy subject to approval by this institutione I would, of course, prefer to substitute a stay of longer duration at your laboratory for a short trip. However, I feel that as far as approval here is concerned, I will be able to arrange for cnly one trip, the time and duration depending primarily on your conveniences Sincerely yours, Ld Baro Lo So Baron, PheD. Department of Bacterial Fhysiclosy Immunclogy Divisicn