Vid a Lhe yf yet , a i oN a deine ee LEK, yilay, A rheng, Gore? o . 5[Rockefellen& +4THE ROCKEFELLER UNIVERSITY = University /Z 1230 YORK AVENUE NEW YORK. NY 10021 O} Ls T° March 10, 1980 JOSHUA LEDERBERG PRESIDENT Dr. Howard L. Resnikoff Division Director Division of Information Science & Technology National Science Foundation Washington, D. C. 20550 Dear Dr. Resnikoff: Thank you for your letter of February 28th. I would be very happy to join the Working Group on Information Technology and trust that we can find a time and place to which I can accommodate my own schedule. You referred to the use of "on line electronic de- vices" For the meeting. Too bad we do not already have a civilian national science Arpanet that would greatly speed up the very process of scheduling and exchange of corres- pondence. At any rate, I await further word from you.. Yours sincerely, we ae yeh Joshua Lederberg My phone # is: 212-360-1234 Net address is: LEDERBERG @ SUMEX