Dr. L. S. Baron AMS Graduate Sehool Dept. Bacteriology Washington 12, D.C. Dear Dr. Baroh: Thank you for your letter cf the 2lst.,I am sorry to have set you off on a chase after the wild geese. Perhups, if B my quote Dr. Bruner's letter direc tly: "While I was in Italy I sent in the neighborhood ef 31 cultures cf [S. napoli] to the Army Medical School in Washangton. These strains were iso- lated from Army personnel and Itellan cividluns. Theyfiaight still be available at the Srmy Medical Jchool.... During my stay in Italy I also sent the Army Medical School several strains of sovatic group B that were nonmotile. I assumed they were S. typhimurius....” Tt occurs to ae ouw that my asaumption that your outfit and the Army Medical School are the sane may be wrong. Your letter was not quits clear as to the details of your transduction experiments, with Kyl+ and 57. Is the vector in your experiments a Vi (typing) phages? As I mentioned previously, I would be very happy to have you visit our laboratory. The week of May 18 would be, far and away, the most convenient time on our part. o If I my ask another favor, do you have some cultures of 5. abor tua—equi? The one 1 have been working with (#26) 1s presently quite rough. Yours sincerely, Joshua Lederberg