le 4 SCHOOL OF MEDICINE i STANFORD UNIVERSITY, STANFORD, CALIFORNIA 04305 JOSHUA LEDERBERG JosEPH D. Grant PROFESSOR March 6, 1978 OF GENETICS Dr. Samuel J. Ajl Vice President for Research The National Foundation-March of Dimes 1275 Mamaroneck Avenue White Plains, New York 10605 Dear Sam: It is my pleasure and privilege to write to you on behalf of Dr. Douglas Wallace, Assistant Professor of Genetics, and currently an applicant to a Basil O'Conner Starter Research Grant. Dr. Wallace has been a member of this faculty for about a year and a half, the culmination of an extremely stringent national- even international - search for the best available young person in his field of somatic cell genetics having a bearing on applications to clinical problems. Even at the time of his appointment he has impressed us with his independence and maturity as an investigator and he has certainly borne out our every expectation in the way that he has remounted a demanding and complex laboratory for research in that field. He has shown himself to be extraordinarily imaginative in the creation of new research directions and energetic in their implementation. The work that he proposes to begin — and substan- tially earlier with your help than could otherwise be the case - is a brilliant insight that could uncover a whole new domain of inherited disease and certainly deserves your urgent and sympathetic consideration. As you know, I will be leaving Stanford University in a few months. I can be quite proud of having had a part in getting people like Gus Nossal and Walter Bodmer first recognized and then well-started on their independent careers. I firmly believe that Doug Wallace is of comparable caliber and that the world will know it in a very few years. Yours sincerel \ i JL/gel