MEDICAL CENTER AREA CODE 608 PHONE 262-2177 McARDLE LABORATORY FOR CANCER RESEARCH UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN « MADISON, WISCONSIN 53706 November 3, 1980 Dr. Joshua Lederberg President The Rockefeller University 1230 York Avenue New York, New York 10021 [ ch Dear Josh: oS” You may recall at our last meeting that we had some informal discussion at Tuesday night's dinner on the role of the Boards of Scientific Counselors of the National Cancer Institute in relation to the role and functions of the National Cancer Advisory Board. I am including with this letter a copy of the proposed statement of such a policy modified on the basis of our discussions of Tuesday evening, October 7. v I would appreciate your comments, criticisms, changes, additions, etc. So to this document in order that we can take some action at the November meeting so that this matter may be clarified. Thanks very much for your help in this. I look forward to seeing you in a couple of weeks. With kindest regards, Henry C. Pitot, M.D., Ph.D. Director HGP :mjg Encl. cc Dr. Donald S. Fredrickson Dr. William Walter In order to facilitate interchange between the National Cancer Advisory Board and the Boards of Scientific Counselors of the Divisions of the National Cancer Institute and to enhance the capabilities of the NCAB to carry out its mandated responsibility of monitoring programs and recommending policy of the National Cancer Plan to the Director of NCI, the following recommendations are presented to the Director for formulation beginning in 1981. (1) (2) Chairpersons of the Boards of Scientific Counselors (BSC) or their desig- nates are invited to attend all meetings of the NCAB and its Subcommittees and shall attend the November meeting of the NCAB and participate in the Program reviews at that time. At this meeting, each chairperson will report on the year's activities of his/her BSC. Copies of the minutes of each BSC meeting and those of their Subcommittees shall be forwarded to all members of the NCAB as soon as they have been drafted. The activities and policy recommendations of the BSC's should be clearly delineated in such minutes. Activities of the BSC's shall be reviewed by the NCAB and appropriate action taken at the November Board (NCAB) meeting or as appropriate at other times.