Reply to Attn of: iNational Aeronautics and CC) 4 ‘Space Administration ( ELLER Uy Ames Research Center Ke poet VERS Moffett Field, California 2131979 ? 94035 MAR 13 1973 é _s . 0, SL Bud wed Lice oF tye PRES LXI: 204-2 February 28, 1979 L Dr. Joshua Lederberg President, The Rockefeller Institute 1213 York Avenue New York, NY 10021 Dear Dr. Lederberg: I would like to invite you to attend a bonterence on Life in the Universe, to be held at NASA-Ames Research Center, Mountain ew, Cattfornia;-or June 19 and 20, 1979. A preliminary agenda is enclosed. The primary purpose of the Conference is to lay the foundation for compre- hensive, multidisciplinary research into the problem of the nature and distribution of life in the universe. There are at least two complementary approaches to this problem: 1) to attempt directly to identify and study extraterrestrial life-sites by astronomical techniques, and 2) to try to formulate a theory of the origin and evolution of life in terms of the environmental phenomena - planetary, stellar, and astrophysical - responsible for them. Therefore, we have included on the agenda papers dealing with both. We particulary hope that the Conference will produce discussion concerning whether there are specific environmental phenomena that are required if life is to evolve to a certain stage within a particular period of time, and whether life marks planets or planetary systems with observable character- istics. You will note that the agenda has allocated time for a limited number of contributed papers. These will be selected on the basis of abstracts received prior to April 10, and you are encouraged to submit one if you feel it can shed light on some of the problems to be addressed. You should plan on talking for 8 to 9 minutes, with 1 or 2 additional minutes for questions. It will be especially valuable if, in your talk, you can identify research that ought to be pursued. You will be notified whether your abstract has been accepted on or shortly after May 1. At that time the final Conference agenda will also be mailed out. Please notify me of any of your colleagues whom you think ought to attend (admission to the Conference is by invitation only). . atkegid ei ST AP — Geers 042) Bedford jitass. Aegerd ry LX1I:204-2 - February 28, 1979 2 If you choose not to submit an abstract, but still plan to attend, please so indicate on the enclosed Conference Registration Form. All registrations must be received by May 1, 1979. I look forward to hearing from you. Yours truly, Bute SSL! Mark A. Stull Acting Chief, SETI Program Team Enclosures: 1. Preliminary Conference Agenda 2 Conference Registration Form 3. Dinner Reservation Form 4. Lodging Information