ett, THE MOUNT SINAI MEDICAL CENTER ES, | i? n WETS >, ‘ 4 ap eye gr me te - ‘ , a 2 MSM ONE GUSTAVE L. LEVY PLACE + NEW YORK. N.Y. 18029 31 Mo. it Sina 6 op Ss 3 pit js! % Cc vA 4 2 OF wo s a GENE OR Mount Sinai School of Medicine * The Mount Sinai Hospital January 23, 1978 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics _ Stanford University Stanford, California 94305 nN Dear Josh: I was delighted when Mr. Eugene Kone told me of the news of your appointment two days ago. My sincerest congratulations, I think it will be a marvelous thing for Rockefeller University and the New York City scientific community as a whole. I do hope that when you get to New York and get settled,there will be a chance Lt for us to renew contact. With best regards. Sincerely yours, an Dorothy T. Krieger, M. Del Professor of Medicine Director, Division of Endocrinology & Metabolism DTK/cap s Qe goBo oy