DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH BETHESDA. MARYLAND 20014 SEREFELLER Tira 7, y AUG 2° 1978 Bee OF THE > KX August 18, 1978 Dr. Joshua Lederberg President, Rockefeller University 1230 York Avenue s New York, New York 10021 Dear Dr. Lederberg: On the afternoon of October 27, 1978, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases will observe its official 30th Anniversary with a program for staff and invited guests. The National Institute of Microbiology was established on November 1, 1948 and this subsequently became the NIAID. The initial Institute had been the Division of Infectious Diseases of the original National Institute of Health. From a historical point of view, the NIAID is really an unbroken lineage descendant of the first Public Health Service Laboratory set up on Staten Island in 1897 to conduct bacteriologic examinations on immigrants. This initial activity, VR in a sense, was the initial seed which developed into what is now pS the National Institutes of Health. 4 I would be very pleased if you could speak on this occasion to observe the 30th Anniversary of NIAID. We will have two major speakers during the course of the afternoon. I am inviting Baruj Benacerraf to be the . other principal speaker with the thought that he will concentrate on immunology. I would very much like you to speak 25-30 minutes on some aspect of microbiology and the importance of microorganisms in health and disease, perhaps noting where we are now and what the future may be. , MC " The purpose of this letter is to learn at this time if you can accept the invitation and to fix this date on your calendar. I will telephone - you toward~ the end of next week and hope you will be able to accept. If so, I will at that time speak to you further about the details. We will, of course, pay your expenses and provide a modest honorarium. On the evening of October 27 there will be a buffet Supper at my home for the participants of this program. I hope that you and Mrs. Lederberg can join us for this social event also. Yours sincerely,, / i 4 Ae Lede: Richar¥dM. Kra Director, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases With best personal regards. IL 7