Dr. J. Lederberg, Pres Rock. U. ok 5/16/80 A Kornberg [stamped, THE ROCKEFELLER UNIVERSITY OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT MAY 18 1980] 10 May '80 Dear Josh: Your note about Pauling and his Institute pricks my conscience and compels me to explain my dilemma. I'm too fond of him personally and too awed by his achievements to want to hurt him or abandon him. I have turned down requests to be on his Board and be involved in other associations. Needless to say, the huckstering and misrepresentations have distressed me. Do you know Steve Beukovic, a professor of chemistry at Penn State? He is perhaps the best chemist working effectively on important biochemical problems. He has drive and the demonstrated capacity to lead a group. He interacts well with chemists and biologists. I wouldn't trade him for 6 Snyders. Fond regards AK [written in different handwriting, Kornberg]