— “+ OCT 4 1978 Memo to file: L Subject: Dr. Kissénger and the BW Initiative ee I had a chance to meet Dr. Kissenger at David Rockefeller's reception for the World Bank at Pocantica on Sunday, October 1. I asked him why the administration had taken the line of a unilateral abrogation of BW rather than offer- ing to bargain for a mutual commitment with the Russians. He acknowledged that the Russians "give no credit for past services rendered". However, he felt that Congress was likely to take that step anyhow and that in the domestic ferment about the Vietnam War it was important to be making some positive steps. This corroborates the general wisdom of the time and what I wrote in my article. He appeared quite well informed about the details even to taking pains to distinguish that it was only BW not CW that was the subject of that abrogation. I did not press him on what he thought of the reasons behind the Soviets eventually agreeing to negotiate the BW treaty as a mutually binding commitment. (Doubtless that has to do with the lack of verification that was incorporated in it and the useful precedent, from their standpoint, that that posed).