The Hesperian Foundation IRECTOR MEDICAL CONSULTANTS o David Werner PROJECT PIAXTLA Carlos Soto M., M.D. MEXICO COORDINATOR iforni Kent Benedict, M.D. Box 1692, Palo Alto, California 94302 Rudolf Bock, M.D Martin Reyes . . John McKean, M.D. U.S.A. COORDINATOR : ' A.V. Price, M.D. Gertrude Bock Carlo Besio, D.V.M. Philip Haskett, D.D.S. For the past ten years as a part of our primary health care program in the mountains of western Mexico, we have been training village health workers and promotores de salud. We are currently undertaking a study in Latin America of the role of the village health worker and especially the methods used to train them and facilitate their activities, We would like to learn more about your program, especially as it relates to this level of health care. Could you please send us information of your activities: any available literature and/or a brief summary of your project. We may ask for more detail at a later date, and if you are willing, possibly visit your project. Any information you supply us will be of great assistance and we sincerely appreciate your time and effort to help us in our endeavor. Enclosed are brief summaries of: 1) our own rural health program in Mexico 2) our proposed study 3) the villagers' medical handbook Donde No Hay Doctor We feel it important that those of us involved in pioneering new approaches to rural health care in developing countries maintain an interchange of ideas and methodology. Please feel free to call on us if we can be of any assistance to you in your project. We look forward to further communications with you and eagerly await your response. Thank you very much. Gratefully yours, David Werner, Director Enclosures Lynne Coen, Study Coordinator Working towards a campesino-run health care network in the mountainous reaches of Sinaloa, Mexico