NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF GENETICS JUN15 1963 YATA 1,111 MISIMA, SIZUOKA-KEN, 411 JAPAN OX, AA LCE OF THE pResioe : ress: Genetics, Misima June 10, 1983 Dr. Joshua Lederberg President of The Rockfeller University The Rockfeller University New York, New York 10021 U.S.A. Dear Joshua, Under the same cover, I am sending you a copy of a letter of Dr. B. Cohen of the Institute for Scientific Information requesting my commentary on my paper, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 46, 57-64, 1960, for Citation Classic and a copy of my commentary. Although it was 23 years ago, I do remember quite vividly my pleasant experiences during my stay in your laboratory. By taking this opportunity I would like to thank you very much for your guidance given to me. a With very best wishes, Ce MS we. Y. Hirota YH /yo