November 3, 1952 Dr. C. Barigozzi Secretary, Organizing Committee 9th International Congrese of Genetics Vie Oeloria 10 Milano, Italia Dear Dr. Barigozzi: Thank you for your letter of October 20, inviting my participation at the Congress. I am very pleased to accept this invitation. The tentative title is "Genetic Structure of Bacteria". I twat tntend to review and compare atudies on Escherichia coli and Salmonella, but will adjust the acope and generality of my remarke according to the other lectures on the progran. For this reason, I would apprechate very much learning who the other invited speakers will be on the program in similar fielda. I must point out that my pergonal attendance at the Congress will depend on my euccesa in concluding financial arrangements. Needless to say, any suggestions or assistance that can be made in thie respect will be much apreciated. If it proves to be impossible for me to attend in person, would it be permissible for me to designate someone else to read my paper? One suggestion does occur to me, if you would be kind enough to lend your assistance. This would be for your committee to submit a copy of your formal invitation to me to Dr. H.R. Singleton, secretary, Genetics Soclety of America. Dr. Singleton is advising a committee that is seeking te collect funds to subsidize American participants at the Congress. Yours sincerely, Joshua Lederberg Associate Professor of Genetica