KR Set beey a Ce © THE ROCKEFELLER UNIVERSITY 1 of Rockefeller ~ &\ Universit N Yay 14230 YORK AVENUE NEW YORK, NY 10021 Oo A> sx October 7, 1980 JOSHUA LEDERBERG PRESIDENT Ms. Lorna Brennan Membership Secretary Council on Foreign Relations, Inc. The Harold Pratt House 58 East 68th Street New York, New York 10021 Dear Ms. Brennan: It is my honor and privilege to nominate Professor Robert Jervis for membership in the Council. His qualifications are formally summarized in the attached C.V. and especially in his magisterial book "Perception and Misperception in International Politics" Princeton University Press, 1976. This is a survey that comprises such a breadth of historical knowledge and in- sight about the practice of international relations, and such sensitivity about the bureaucratic and personal psychological processes entailed in decision making, that I recommend it as an indispensible first principles to anyone undertaking a serious examination of foreign policy. I was delighted then to find that his credentials as a scholar were recognized by Columbia University in offering him the professorship to which he has just come: an inci- dent that makes him more readily available for discourse with the Council, as well as, I hope, myself. I believe these credentials also give objective substantiation about all of the criteria that the Council has articulated for membership. I doubt if there is any scholar in the field of inter- national politics who is not aware of Dr. Jervis' work: presumably his immediate colleagues at Columbia and his recent ones at Princeton would be those most intimately ac- quainted with him for purposes of further reference. Ms. Lorna Brennan October 7, 1980 - 2 - . I can hardly think of a figure more appropriate for the earliest and most favorable consideration and I hope you will promptly invite him to become a member. I have asked one or more of my colleagues to join me in seconding this nomination and you should receive the Supporting correspondence shortly. Yours sincerely, shua Lederberg Encl. bee: Ms. Enid Schoettle