THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE ACADEMIC COMMUNITY IN THE SEARCH FOR ABSOLUTE VALUES November 22-25, 1979 Century Plaza Hotel - Los Angeles Vice-Chairman: Vice-Chairman: Chairman: Eugene P. Wigner Professor of Physics Emeritus Princeton University, USA Sir John Eccles Distinguished Professor Emeritus State University of New York at at Buffalo, USA/Switzerland Frederick Seitz Past President The Rockefeller University and The National Academy of Science, USA AGENDA 22 NOVEMBER THURSDAY 23 NOVEMBER FRIDAY 2:00 7:30 7:45 9:00 10:15 11:00 PM PM AM & B B PM PM PM PM PM PM PM Thanksgiving Dinner and Orientation Reception Breakfast Opening Plenary Session Break Committees Meet - Groups A Luncheon Committees Meet ~ Groups B Break Committees Continue ~ Groups B Dinner Voluntary Discussion - Committee Chairmen each chair a voluntary joint discussion of their respective Groups A & B after a brief report from Group A & B Chairmen. Break DATE: October 15, 1979 AGENDA 24 NOVEMBER 7:45 AM Breakfast SATURDAY 9:00 AM Committees Meet - Groups C 10:30 AM Break 11:15 AM Committees Continue - Groups C 12:30 PM Luncheon 2:30 PM Committees Meet - Groups D 4:30 PM Break 5:15 PM Committees Continue - Groups D 6:30 PM Dinner 7:45 PM Voluntary Discussion - Committee Chairmen each chair a voluntary joint discussion of their respective Groups C & D after a brief report from Group C & D Chairmen. 9:00 PM Break 25 NOVEMBER 8:45 AM Breakfast SUNDAY 10:00 AM Multidisciplinary Discussion Groups 1:30 PM Lunch 3:00 PM Closing Plenary Session 4:30 PM Break 7:00 PM Farewell Banquet and Entertainment 9:30 PM Close 26 NOVEMBER 7:30 AM Breakfast MONDAY *Tentative COMMITTEE If VALUES AND CONSCIOUSNESS Walter Kaufmann Professor of Philosophy Princeton University, USA GROUP A: CAN VALUES BE ABSOLUTE? Chairman: W.W. Bartley III Professor of Philosophy, California State University at Hayward, USA #1: In what Sense can Values be Absolute? SPEAKER: Jaakko Hintikka Professor of Philosophy Stanford University, California, and The Florida State University, Tallahassee, and at Academy of Finland, USA/Finland COMMENTATOR: Laurence Briskman Lecturer in Philosophy University of Edinburgh, Scotland #2: Being Human Implies Absolute Values SPEAKER: Tom Settle Professor of Philosophy and Dean College of Arts, University of Guelph Ontario, Canada COMMENTATOR: I.C. Jarvie Professor of Philosophy York University, Downsview, Ontario, Canada #3: On the Making and Breaking of Traditions in Art SPEAKER: Ben-Ami Scharfstein Professor and Chairman, Department of Philosophy University of Tel Aviv, Israel COMMENTATOR: Merrill Provence Associate Professor of Philosophy The Florida State University, Tallahassee, USA COMMENTATOR: Paul Levinson Assistant Professor of Communications Fairleigh Dickinson University, Pennsylvania, USA COMMITTEE I GROUP B: HUMANITIES VS. SOCIAL SCIENCES Chairman: Paul Kurtz Professor of Philosophy State University of New York at Buffalo, USA #1: Humanism Versus Social Science? #2: #3; SPEAKER: J.W.N. Watkins Professor of Philosophy, The London School of Economics and Political Science, United Kingdom COMMENTATOR: To Be Announced TENTATIVE SPEAKER: Peter Munz Professor of History, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand TENTATIVE COMMENTATOR: Khushwant Singh Editor, ILLUSTRATED WEEKLY OF INDIA Bombay, India TENTATIVE SPEAKER: Melford E. Spiro Professor of Anthropology, University of California at San Diego, USA COMMENTATOR: To Be Announced COMMITTEE I GROUP C: BRAIN, FREEDOM AND RESPONSIBILITY Chairman: Karl H. Pribram Professor of Neuroscience Stanford University, California, USA #1: Transmaterial Values within the Brain #2: #3: SPEAKER: José M.R. Delgado Director, Department of Investigation Ramon Y Cajal Center, Madrid, Spain COMMENTATOR: Sanford L. Palay Bullard Professor of Neuroanatomy Harvard Medical School, Cambridge Massachusetts, USA SPEAKER: Sir John Eccles COMMENTATOR: Holger Hydén Institute of Neurobiology University of Géteborg, Sweden SPEAKER: Karl H. Pribram COMMENTATOR: Franz Seitelberger Director, Neurological Institute University of Vienna, Austria DISCUSSANT: R.J. Zwi Werblowsky Professor of Religion The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel COMMITTEE I GROUP D: #1: #2: #3: WHAT IS HAPPINESS? Chairman: Ivan Soll Professor of Philosophy University of Wisconsin at Madison, USA Psychological Hedonism What TENTATIVE SPEAKER: Hector-Neri Castaneda The Mahlon Powell Professor of Philosophy and Dean of Latino Affairs, Indiana University Bloomington, USA COMMENTATOR: To Be Announced TENTATIVE SPEAKER: John Wilcox Professor of Philosophy State University of New York at Binghamton, USA COMMENTATOR: To Be Announced is Happiness? TENTATIVE SPEAKER: Ninian Smart Professor of Religious Studies University of California at Santa Barbara; and at Furness College, University of Lancaster USA/United Kingdom COMMENTATOR: To Be Announced COMMITTEE II COMMITTEE II CHANGE AND DEVELOPMENT GENERAL INTRODUCTION: Morton A. Kaplan GROUP B: LANGUAGE, TRADITION AND CROSS-CULTURAL VALUES Professor of Political Science and Chairman Committee on International Relations University of Chicago, Illinois, USA Chairman: Roger W. Wescott Professor of Anthropology and DEVELOPMENT OF CIVILIZATION Linguistics, Drew University AND THE CHANGING SELF-CONCEPTION OF MAN Madison, New Jersey, USA Chairman: Gerard Radnitzky #1: English as the World Language: Problems and Professor of Philosophy University of Trier, West Germany Morton A. Kaplan Historical Aspects of the Development of Civilization SPEAKER: Alistair Taylor Professor of Political Science and Geography Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada COMMENTATOR: John King-Farlow Professor of Philosophy University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada Is the Scientific Enterprise Self-Refuting? #2: SPEAKER: Anthony Flew Professor of Philosophy University of Reading, United Kingdom COMMENTATOR: Kenneth R. Minogue Professor of Political Science, The London School of Economics and Political Science, United Kingdom - COMMENTATOR: #3: Peter Graf Kielmansegg Professor of Politics University of Cologne, West Germany Influence of Ethology upon the Current Self-Image of Man TENTATIVE SPEAKER: John R. Searle Professor of Philosophy, University of California at Berkeley, USA COMMENTATOR: Erich Jantsch . Professor of Philosophy, University of California at Berkeley, USA Perspectives SPEAKER: Richey Novak Executive Director, International Educational Consultants, San Francisco, California, USA COMMENTATOR: Adam Makkai Director, Linguistic Association of Canada and the United States, Lake Bluff, Illinois, USA TENTATIVE COMMENTATOR: Hyun Bok Lee Professor of Linguistics Seoul National University, Korea Anthropologists and the Rise of a Global Civilization SPEAKER: Elliott P. Skinner Franz Boas Professor of Anthropology Columbia University, New York City, USA COMMENTATOR: Edwin Terry Prothro Director, Center for Behavioral Research American University of Beirut, Lebanon/USA Appropriating Tradition SPEAKER: Jude P. Dougherty Dean, School of Philosophy The Catholic University of America Washington, D.C., USA TENTATIVE COMMENTATOR: Aleksis Rannit Professor of Russian and East European Studies Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut, USA COMMITTEE II GROUP C: COMPARATIVE PHILOSOPHIES OF CHANGE Chairman: Seyyed Hossein Nasr Professor of Religion Temple University, Philadelphia Pennsylvania, USA #1: Change in a Metaphysical Perspective #2: #3: SPEAKER: Elémire Zolla University of Rome, Italy TENTATIVE COMMENTATOR: Archie J. Bahm Professor of Philosophy Emeritus University of New Mexico at Albuquerque, USA TENTATIVE SPEAKER: Yusuf Ibish The American University in Beirut, Lebanon TENTATIVE COMMENTATOR: Bijan Aalami Associate Professor of Engineering Mechanics and Vice Chancellor for Research and Relation with Industry, University of Technology, Tehran, Iran SPEAKER: Joseph E. Brown Professor of Religion University of Montana, Missoula, USA TENTATIVE COMMENTATOR: Kwame Gyekye Professor of Philosophy University of Ghana, Legon COMMITTEE II GROUP D: #1: #2: #3: RESOURCES AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Chairman: Francis A. Botchway Professor of Political Science and International Law University of Cincinnati, Ohio, USA SPEAKER: Robert U. Ayres Professor of Engineering and Public Policy Carnegie-Melion University, Pittsburgh Pennsylvania, USA TENTATIVE COMMENTATOR: Kamel Abu Jaber Dean, Faculty of Economics and Commerce University of Jordan, Amman SPEAKER: Garrett Scalera Tokyo, Japan TENTATIVE COMMENTATOR: Ampah Johnson Chancellor University of Benin, Lome, Togo SPEAKER: Ali A. Mazrui Professor of Political Science and Director Center for Afroamerican and African Studies University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA TENTATIVE COMMENTATOR: Alvaro Donoso National Sub-Director Office of National Resources Santiago, Chile COMMITTEE III POPULATION AND QUALITY OF LIFE COMMITTEE III Aurelio Peccei Founder and President The Club of Rome, Italy GROUP A: HOW DOES MATERIAL WELL-BEING AFFECT "HAPPINESS"? Chairman: Elizabeth Dodson Gray Bolton Institute for a Sustainable #1: Future, Wellesley, Massachusetts, USA . #1: How Does Material Well-Being Affect "Happiness"? #2: #3: SPEAKER: Sir Hans Krebs Metabolic Research Laboratory Radcliffe Infirmary, Oxford, United Kingdom TENTATIVE COMMENTATOR: #2: Donald N. Michael Director, Center for Research on Utilization of Scientific Knowledge, University of Michigan Ann Arbor, USA SPEAKER: $3: Anitra Thorhaug Professor of Biological Sciences Florida International University, Miami, USA TENTATIVE COMMENTATOR: ° Beatrice Willard Ecologist, Colorado School of Mines Golden, USA TENTATIVE SPEAKER: Ignacio Castuera Adjunct Professor of Theology Claremont University, California, USA TENTATIVE COMMENTATOR: M.L. Dewan Chief, Development Department Regional Bureau for Asia and Far East United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization Rome, Italy : GROUP B: TOMORROW'S WORLD POPULATION TRENDS George J. Stolnitz Professor of Economics Indiana University, Bloomington, USA Chairman: World Population Trends SPEAKER: To Be Announced COMMENTATOR: To Be Announced Historical and Regional Contrasts SPEAKER: To Be Announced COMMENTATOR: To Be Announced Ethical Dimensions of World Population Trends SPEAKER: Richard L. Rubenstein Distinguished Professor of Religion The Florida State University, Tallahassee, USA COMMENTATOR: To Be Announced COMMITTEE III COMMITTEE IIT GROUP C: #1: #2: #3: HEALTH SYSTEMS AND POPULATION CONTROL GROUP D: CONSEQUENCES OF WORLD POPULATION GROWTH Chairman: S. Fred Singer Chairman: Edward 0. Pratt Professor of Environmental Sciences Population Specialist, The World Bank University of Virginia Washington, D.C., USA Charlottesville, USA #1: Natural Resources and Environment TENTATIVE SPEAKER: Jack Elinson Vice President and President-elect, American Association for Public Opinion Research Teaneck, New Jersey, USA COMMENTATOR: To Be Announced TENTATIVE SPEAKER: C.0. Akerele Coordinator for Tanzania, World Health Organization Dar es Salaam, Tanzania/Nigeria #2: COMMENTATOR: To Be Announced TENTATIVE SPEAKER: Gervin Samarawickrama Professor of Community Medicine University of Sri Lanka, Peradeniya COMMENTATOR: To Be Announced #3: TENTATIVE SPEAKER: Dieter Altenpohl Director, Alusuisse, Zurich, Switzerland TENTATIVE COMMENTATOR: A. Melamed Head, Tushia Engineering Company, Givatayam, Israel COMMENTATOR: Ervin Y. Galantay Professor of Urban Planning, Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, Switzerland Labor, Migration, International Trade SPEAKER: Paul Demeny Director, Policy Studies, New York City, USA The Population Council COMMENTATOR: Chong-Yah Lim Head, Department of Economics and Statistics University of Singapore COMMENTATOR: Abdel Karim Aly Elahwal Visiting Professor of Sociology Riyad University, Saudi Arabia/Egypt Mechanisms for Mediation SPEAKER: John G. Stoessinger Professor of Political Science, City University of New York, USA Hunter College COMMENTATOR: Jared Hazleton Associate Dean, Lyndon Baines Johnson School of Public Affairs, University of Texas at Austin, USA COMMITTEE IV VISION AND DIRECTION OF THE FUTURE Frederick Seitz Past President The Rockefeller University and The National Academy of Science, USA GROUP A: #1: Hope #2: TECHNOLOGY AND HUMAN VALUES Chairman: Frederick Ferré Charles A. Dana Professor of Philosophy Dickinson College, Carlisle Pennsylvania, USA through Post-Modern Technology SPEAKER: W. David Lewis Professor of History Auburn University, Alabama, USA COMMENTATOR: Hans-Martin Sass Professor of Philosophy Ruhr University at Bochum, West Germany COMMENTATOR: Willis Harman Director, The Educational Policy Research Center Stanford Research Institute, Menlo Park California, USA A Theological Critique of “Hope through Technology" SPEAKER: Gabriel Vahanian Jeannette K. Watson Professor of Religion University of Syracuse, Strasbourg, France COMMENTATOR: Arthur Parsons Assistant Professor of Sociology and Anthropology Smith College, Northampton, Massachusetts, USA COMMITTEE IV GROUP B: SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY POLICIES FOR DEVELOPING NATIONS Chairman: Alexander King Chairman, International Federation of Institutes for Advanced Study Paris, France #1: Science and Technology for Developing Nations A Search for Answers #2: #3: SPEAKER: Maurice Goldsmith Director, Science Policy Foundation London, United Kingdom COMMENTATOR: To Be Announced TENTATIVE SPEAKER: Guido Pincheira Director of Research University of Chile, Santiago COMMENTATOR: To Be Announced TENTATIVE SPEAKER: Aklilu Lemma Principal Scientific Coordinator United Nations, New York City, USA/ETHIOPIA COMMENTATOR: To Be Announced COMMITTEE IV COMMITTEE IV GROUP C: FRONTIERS OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY GROUP D: A LOOK AT THE 1990'S - WHAT DOES THE FUTURE HOLD? Chairman: Alvin M. Weinberg Chairman: Pierre Piganiol Director, Institute for Energy Analysis President, LES FUTURIBLES; Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA President, Commission Methods du Plan- Constriction, Paris, France #1: Frontiers of Science and Technology (Vision and Direction of the Future) #1: Socialism and Capitalism - Values or Instruments? #2: #3: SPEAKER: Adam Schaff President, European Coordination Center for Research and Documentation on Social Sciences Vienna, Austria COMMENTATOR: To Be Announced #2: SPEAKER: To Be Announced COMMENTATOR: To Be Announced a SPEAKER: #3: To Be Announced COMMENTATOR: To Be Announced A Question of Human Survival SPEAKER: Abba P. Lerner Professor of Economics The Florida State University, Tallahassee, USA COMMENTATOR: To Be Announced Uncertainties of the 1990's SPEAKER: Alexander Szalai Professor of Sociology Karl Marx University of Economic Studies Budapest, Hungary COMMENTATOR: To Be Announced SPEAKER: Ervin Laszlo Director of Research, UNITAR New York City, USA COMMENTATOR: To Be Announced SUNDAY TOPIC #1 IS THERE LIFE AFTER DEATH? Tentative Moderator: Eileen V. Barker #1: #2: #3: Professor of Sociology, The London School of Economics and Political Science, United Kingdom SPEAKER: Paul Kurtz Professor of Philosophy State University of New York at Buffalo, USA TENTATIVE SPEAKER: Mael A. Melvin Professor of Physics, Temple University Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA SPEAKER: Milan Ryz2l Lecturer in Parapsychology San Jose, California, USA SUNDAY TOPIC #3 WHAT ARE THE VALUES IMPLICIT IN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT? Moderator: C. Lowell Harriss Professor of Economics Columbia University, USA SUNDAY TOPIC #2 PRESERVATION OF CULTURE: WHAT ARE THE LIMITS? Tentative Moderator: René Berger #1: #2: #3: Director-Curator, Museum of Fine Arts Lausanne, Switzerland SPEAKER: Guerin C. Montilus Assistant Professor of Humanities Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan, USA SPEAKER: Panos D. Bardis Professor of Sociology University of Toledo, Ohio, USA TENTATIVE SPEAKER: Mohammed Fadhel Jamali Professor of Educational Philosophy University of Tunis, Tunisia #1: SPEAKER: Kasim Gulek Ankara, Turkey #2: TENTATIVE SPEAKER: Andres Sanfuentes Chairman, Economics Department University of Chile, Santiago #3: TENTATIVE SPEAKER: André Piatier Professor, Université de Droit D'Economie et de Sciences Sociales de Paris, France SUNDAY TOPIC #4 NORMALIZATION OF VIOLENCE THROUGH MASS COMMUNICATION Moderator: Daniel Lerner Ford Professor of Sociology and International Communications Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, USA #1: SPEAKER: Henry O. Hart Director, Audience and Public Opinion Research Department, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, Inc. Munich, West Germany/USA #2: SPEAKER: Karl-Georg Graf von Stackelberg Chairman, Internationale Marktforschung und Sozialforschung, Munich, West Germany #3: SPEAKER: Walter Laqueur Director, Institute of Contemporary History and Wiener Library, London, United Kingdom GENERAL DISCUSSANT: Franco Ferracuti Professor of Criminological Medicine and Forensic Psychiatry The University of Rome, Italy SUNDAY TOPIC #5 DO THE RAPIDLY IMPROVING METHODS OF CREATING WEALTH DEMAND A CHANGE IN THE STRUCTURE OF SOCIETY? #2: #3: Moderator: Nicholas Kurti Emeritus Professor of Physics University of Oxford, United Kingdom SPEAKER: D.T.N. Williamson Engineering and Director, Retired Rank Xerox, Limited, United Kingdom/Italy SPEAKER: To Be Announced SPEAKER: To Be Announced SUNDAY TOPIC #6 HUMAN KNOWLEDGE AND SCIENTIFIC MODELS Tentative #1: #2: #3: Moderator: Tor Ragnar Gerholm Professor of Physics Institute of Physics . University of Stockholm, Sweden SPEAKER: Herman Wold Professor of Statistics University of Uppsala, Sweden SPEAKER: Alexandre Marc Founder and Permanent Delegate, International Center of European Education, Nice, France SPEAKER: To Be Announced SUNDAY TOPIC #7 SOCIOBIOLOGY AND VALUE SYSTEMS Tentative Moderator: J.W.S. Pringle #1: #2: #3 Linacre Professor of Zoology University of Oxford, United Kingdom TENTATIVE SPEAKER: Paul Shepard Avery Professor of Human Ecology Pitzer College, Claremont, California, USA TENTATIVE SPEAKER: M.R.A. Chance Professor of Ethology, Uffculme Clinic University of Birmingham, United Kingdom SPEAKER: To Be Announced SUNDAY TOPIC #8 THE BECOMING OF A HUMAN PERSON: MOTHER-CHILD RELATIONS IN THE FIRST YEAR OF LIFE Tentative Moderator: Koentjaraningrat #1: #2: #3: Professor and Head Department of Anthropology University of Indonesia, Djakarta The Becoming of a Person: Mother-Child Relations in the First Year of Life SPEAKER: Colwyn Trevarthen Professor of Psychology University of Edinburgh, Scotland SPEAKER: Diane McGuinness Lecturer in Psychology, University of California at Santa Cruz, USA TENTATIVE SPEAKER: William Maxwell University of the South Pacific, Suva, Fiji #1: #2: SUNDAY TOPIC #9 MAN'S PLACE IN THE WORLD ECO-SYSTEM Moderator: Kenneth Mellanby Director Emeritus Monk's Wood Experimental Station Huntingdon, United Kingdom The Relationship between Man and the Rest of the Creation SPEAKER: Kenneth Mellanby SPEAKER: Anthony V.S. de Reuck Head of International Relations Studies Department of Linguistics and International University of Surrey, United Kingdom SUNDAY TOPIC #10 PROSPECTS FOR REDUCING WORLD HUNGER Tentative Moderator: Shri M.S. Pawar #1: #2: #3: Food Specialist Moral Re-Armament Centre Panchgani, India Assessment of Immediate and Forseeable Problem Areas TENTATIVE SPEAKER: P.V. Sukhatme Professor of Biometry, Maharashtra Association for the Cultivation of Science, Poona, India The Oceans as Food Source for the World TENTATIVE SPEAKER: Milton G. Johnson Economist and Chief, Special Studies Staff National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Rockville, Maryland, USA Economic Dimensions of World Hunger TENTATIVE SPEAKER: D.R. Denman Professor of Land Economy University of Cambridge United Kingdom