pes Mikes Turkey Breeding Farms, Ine. July 15, 1981 Dr. Joshua Lederberg, President The Rockefeller University 1230 York Avenue New York, New York 10021 Dear Dr. Lederberg: Enclosed is the Schedule and Potential Attendees for the IBEC Tour day Friday, July 24. The program filled out nicely without having to raid some of the other Departments about the place. More people stayed around to enjoy the hot summer than I expected. I understand that you will not be going to Davis with us. If your plans change, please feel free to join us of course. I will be looking forward to seeing you in Sonoma on July 23. Sincerely, Feet 7. D¥tes Fred T. shut toh Geneticist FTS:sr Enclosures ec: Mr. Rodman Rockefeller Mr. Jonathan Taylor ki wire . OY ads Call 2 Sule 19449 RIVERSIDE DRIVE * P.O. BOX Y * SONOMA, CALIFORNIA 95476 © TEL. (707) 938-1111 © TELEX 510 746 9267 Nicholas Breeding Centers : Sonoma, California * Petaluma, California © Dillon Beach, California Santa Rosa, California * Seamill, Scotland . ry 7:00 7:30 8:45 9:00 9:30 ~ 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 1:00 2:00 3:00 5:00 IBEC Genetic Tour July 24, 1981 Buffet breakfast at Shultz house. Depart for U.C. Davis. Arrive U.C. Davis for visitations. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Bob Allard, Genetics Barry Wilson, Avian Sciences Hans Abplanalp, Avian Sciences Carole Meredeth, Viticulture Dick Snow, Genetics, Chairman Ursula Abbott, Avian Sciences, Chairman Don McLean, Entomology and Dean of Biological Sciences (will be present if his schedule permits). General Discussion Depart for Nut Tree. Lunch - Nut Tree, Depart for Berkeley, Cetus tour. Dr. Joshua Lederberg. or whenever - split for San Francisco, S.F. Airport, or Sonoma, . It has been suggested to each person that they speak for 10-15 minutes followed by open discussion and questions for 15-10 minutes. Location of meeting: Mee Room, Memorial Union 3rd Floor. July 10, 1981