Nikolas Trarkey Breediveg Feros, Me. June 4, 1981 Dr. Ron Cape Cetus 600 Bancroft Berkeley, California 94710 Dear Dr. Cape: As discussed by phone with you a few days ago, I am writing to verify that a contingent from IBEC (International Basic Economy Corporation) is planning to visit your organization on Friday, July 24 as previously arranged by you and Dr. Lederberg. As per your suggestion, we will plan to arrive in Berkeley at 3:00 p.m. We will be coming from Davis. The guest list will be approximately as follows: Mr. Rodman Rockefeller, Chairman of the Board, IBEC Mr. Jonathan Taylor, President of IBEC Various members of the Board of IBEC Mr. Lowell Hoskins, President of Arbor Acres Farm (broiler breeder-Connecticut) and Chairman of the Board of Directors of Nicholas Turkey Breeding Farms (turkey breeder - Sonoma California). Mr. Robert J. Nicholas, President of NTBF Mr. Robert B. Hitchcock, Vice President of NTBF Mr. Jack Merritt, Vice President of NTBF Dr. Frank Cherms, Physiologist NTBF Dr. George M. Farnsworth, Geneticist NTBF Dr. Fred T. Shultz, Geneticist NIBF Dr. Joshua Lederberg, President Rockefeller University I would expect the total. number to be about 15. The basic purpose of our visit is to see what we can, without crossing proprietary boundaries, of an ongoing commercial research and and development organization in the field of genetic engineering. Some of the questions revolving in our minds are: 1. What research is going on in the world that might have a bearing on animal and particularly poultry breeding now or in the future? 19449 RIVERSIDE DRIVE * P.O. BOX Y © SONOMA, CALIFORNIA 95476 © TEL. (707) 938-1111 © TELEX 510 746 9267 Nicholas Breeding Centers : Sonoma, California * Petaluma, California © Dillon Beach, California Santa Rosa, California * Seamill, Scotland Dr. Ron Cape -2- June 4, 1981 2. What are the prospects for application of genetic engineering and related techniques to practical breeding and a guess as to the time frame? 3. What should we be doing to stay abreast of developments? 4. What might we be doing in the way of research alone or in cooperative projects with others to prepare us for eventual involvement in the field? Sincerely yours, Fred T. Shultz Geneticist FTS:sr ec: fr. J. Lederberg Mr. R. Rockefeller