Should Cousins Marry? For the sake of this note, we are not going into questions Vike 'Should anyone marrys and worsen the population problem!, or !Is it better to marry than to burn?! Any couple that {8s contemplating marriage needs to confront a whole range of pressing questions, and we hope that whether cousins or note a couple will be asking them with areat seriousness, deliberation and hone, In addition to all of those, cousins inherently do face additiona) challenges that come cut of thelr orior family relationships, and these special ones are the on)y ones that will be faced here, Two things come to minds the issues that arise from family tradition, and those from genetic or biological relatedness, I do not kmow Of any factual data om the success or failure of marriages as a funetion of the common traditions of the mates, Commonsense would say that large differences in economic, soetal, religious outlook may be sources of misunderstandings in the Sater married life of a couple; and a8 cousina are more likely than the average to share these things they May be relatively free of those burdens, Commonsense also suggests that mates May become bored {# there are mo differences} but even cousins apa likely to have different life experiences and perspectives, There is Some danger that cousin=marriages have been arranged to suit the convenience of others; but even here there is little factual evidence om how this affects the outcome, Obviously such matters will vary enormously with the immediate cujtural background that the couple brings into the marriage, and the setting of their future life, The more obvious questions are "What about the children?", and "Is there a social interest in discouraging such marriages om account of the possible hazards to the genetic quality of the population?" There are so many taboos about clese marriages in many cultures and religious faiths, and in some state jaws, that is is obvious many people harbor these questions, First, it should be stressed that inbreeding does mot tn any way Generate "bad genes", that is genetic factors that may cause disease or impair the functioning of the child, This is a superstition that has grown over the centuries, from the observation that inbreeding tends to expose the genetic defects already carried by almost every individual of the species, These defects are the legacy of evolution, the mutations without which higher organisms and human beings could never have emerged Cut of the Primeval coze, millions and billions of years ago, The exposure of previous mutations is not to be taken Vightlys everyone of us is carrying 2 of 3 "bad genes" in a masked conditions in a way that only only be revealed by the bad luck of meeting a partner with a similar defect, Im practical terms, first eousins who marry have to face the fact that they will have about twice the risks of bad tuck with the genetic dice as do unrelated partners when they have children, It has to be said that women whe have children after age 35, of couples who have children knowing that there are definite hereditary problems in their ancestry are taking similarly increased risks, Whether cousins should marry Cand have childrens) in the face of these concerns {8 an ethical] Problem they alone must answer, However, the risks of disaster are greatly inereased for cousins who are also carriers of known genetic diseases! they may be increasing the odds of a bad result from jess than 12100 (the general average) to over 12:4, For that reason, the least advice that should be pressed on cousinemates, before they have children, is te visit a genetic counselor and get informed advice about their own specific Situations, Pather than try to play the odds that apply to the whele average population, Joshua Lederberg