Midd, ZG, yuMay, yf Te No UNIVERSITY 6 Rockefeller \m THE ROCKEFELLER ] I a University /< 1230 YORK AVENUE NEW YORK, NY 10021 Oo re September 30, 1980 JOSHUA LEDERBERG PRESIDENT Admiral Isaac C. Kidd, Jr., USN (Ret.) The Chateaux 6171 Leesburg Pike, Apt. 125 Falls Church, Virginia 22044 Dear Ike: I enjoyed working together at the Defense Science Board meetings this summer and hoped the opportunity might present itself whereby we might get together again here for lunch sometime. This would also give you a chance to see our campus. As another way to enhance the likelihood of seeing you here, may I also offer you the privileges of the Univer- sity as a club. We have pleasant guest facilities (of which I am enclosing a brochure) with prices which are quite rea- sonable. If you should care to use these accommodations on any occasion, please just call my secretary, Mrs. Zimmermann at (212) 360-1234 to arrange a reservation. , You sincerely, JgShua Lederberg Encl. S vena Pract rrrralle Bethe k We pranerdarttrclarns dace Fe oe De hn ok AE fr pent 5 .