STANFORD UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE STANFORD MEDICAL CENTER 300 PASTEUR DRIVE, PALO ALTO, CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF GENETICS Professor Joshua Lederberg October 20, 1968 Dr. Gobind Khorana Nobel-Laureate, 1968 Dear Gobind-- Delightful news; and the salutation fits wonderfully. The mantle also has burdens you will have to. experience for yourself to be able to appre- clate. My fervent wish is that you make a clear and happy choice for your self how you choose to wear it. of what I mean in saying that I am honored Meanwhile, I hope you understand the spirt > that you join our company. = 45 ever, i Lr. JosepH P. Kennepy, Jr. LaporaToRtes FoR MOLECULAR MEDICINE dedicated to the study of mental retardation Molecular Biology Heredity Neurobiology Developmental Medicine