Tuesday November 14, 1978 Memo to File - Subject - University of California 1957 Clark Kerr made a point of coming over to me to_ record that he had,a very vivid and distasteful recollec- tion of the events that had led to the overruling of my appointment to Berkeley by the then President Sproull. It was a little difficult to make out just what he was trying to say about his theory of the event: I have to infer that it was nothing short of a direct power struggle between Kerr and Sproull as individuals in which I had become caught up. More specifically he said that Sproull had deeply resented the establishment of the Chancellorship at the Berkeley campus having intended to run that himself and that he did not wish to be followed by any greater accomplishment. This would seem to put the nepotism issue as a front. Mrs. Kerr seemed to concur that the other two parties that were mentioned in Norberg's correspondence to me might have been entirely fictitious. 2b Comyger devs ob perTh