OFFICE MEMORANDUM © STANFORD UNIVERSITY © OFFICE MEMORANDUM e STANFORD UNIVERSITY © OFFICE MEMORANDUM To From SUBJECT: SFP 2 7 1977 Date: September 23, 1977 Joshua Lederberg Larry Kedes b DNA sequence program in SUMEX 4) oot Harold Brown is approaching the end of the first stage of developing for us a DNA sequence storage and search program. Though we can already see the need for modification and expansion of the program it may be useful now to consolidate the program and our storage files into our own directory so that we can gain more experience with it. The program itself is currently in Brown's files as DNA3S. If you agree, this will require expanded file space over our current page allocation in the GENET directory. Also, we should now consider the long term usefulness of this program to ourselves and others and whether a more permanent affiliation with SUMEX-AIM is appropriate. One additional consideration is the possibility of creating a DNA/RNA sequence storage file ., could, as a minimum serve as a repository for nucleotide sequences and as a medium for insertion of such sequences into search, structure and evolutionary tree programs. I am interested in the possibility of undertaking such a project including seeking support for it. I am not sure how such a proposal would overlap with MOLGEN itself. I would appreciate your comments and especially your advice on these matters. 4 WNONVYOWIW 35130 ©@ ALISUZAINN GYOINVLIS *© WNONVYOW3W 3D1ddO e@ ALISYJAINN GYOINVIS e WNONVYOWAW Jd1dO © ALISUZAINN GYOINVIS e