PUGWASH CONFERENCES ON SCIENCE AND WORLD AFFAIRS EXECUTIVE OFFICE 11A, Avenue de la Paix 1202 Geneva Switzerland Telephone: (022) 33 11 80 Telex: Peace 28 167 CH Telegraph: Pugwash, Geneva Dr Joshua Lederberg The Rockefeller University 1230 York Avenue New York N.Y. 10021 USA Dear Josh, CENTRAL OFFICE REPLY TO- 9 Great Russell Mansions, 60 Great Russell Street, London WCIB 3BE England Telephone: 01-405 6661 Telegraph: Pugwash, London Geneva, 26 November 1980 gtk go Of es Wis lk SCE THE PRE _ In speaking to Lambo this morning about the visit to Senegal in February he indicated that you should be spared the ground-clearing effort involved, and be asked for help subsequently if the visit proves to be worthwhile. In preliminary enquiries I have made about past similar surveys in Senegal I find a lot of politics involved, as well as duplication. I therefore have serious doubts about the utility of the venture. Yours, Jel = 4 M.M. Kaplan Jf “Srnec ee rT Imanrrnoe