to Dr Henry Kaplan. [stamped, MAR 3 1981] May 19 -- Levine lecture. Dear Henry This is to confirm what our secretaries know: that the University would be glad to have you give your lecture on the 19th. I am sorry this was the only date open to you because I do have a conflict that evening. I will try to get out of at least part of it but am not sure. As to topic, I'm a bit torn. Monoclonal human antibodies would draw the most people. But it seems to me you would draw upon a lifetime of experience to talk about the biology of Hodgkins and I feel that my colleagues would learn the most from that. Personally, I was entranced by your saga of the radiotherapy of Hodgkins at the Stanford conference; but it would have a more limited appeal on this campus . . . . (and I would profit more from an alternative subject) [END PAGE ONE] [BEGIN PAGE TWO] I can only offer advice; and we would be happy with any choice you wished. Sincerely, Joshua.