Y The 5[ Rockefeller, THE ROCKEFELLER UNIVERSITY " University /2 1230 YORK AVENUE NEW YORK, NY 10021 Oy Ld, P3350 February 20, 1981 TOSHUA LEDERBERG PRESIDENT Dr. Henry S. Kaplan Cancer Biology Research Laboratory Stanford University Stanford, California 94305 Dear Henry: To my delight it is my duty to transmit the request of our advisory committee that you be invited to address the Rockefeller University as the next Philip Levine Lecturer. I hope you will honor the University, and you will accept for a time that gives me the personal pleasure of introducing you myself. We would try to accommodate any evening date of your choice this spring, Mondays through Thursdays. May I suggest that the simplest recourse would be to ask that your secre- tary call my office to negotiate a date. We will be armed here with the best alternatives with respect to the avail- ability of Henry Kunkel, Philip Levine himself, and others who would be particularly disappointed if they could not hear you. I would not want the complex'ity of our joint schedules to get in the way of the primary motif which is the satisfaction of my colleagues and the research community of the city. The endowment for this Lectureship permits us to offer your usual travel expenses plus an honorarium of $1500. Hoping to hear from you by phone or by mail, and with best wishes to Leah, Yours cordially, \ , Ab ‘f oe Lederberg cc: Dr. Henry Kunkel (Qx2) 3ho -IL3¢ Dr. Philip Levine