MBL/Woods Hole, Mass. August 24, 1954 Dr. We R. Bailey Enteric Laboratory Laboratory of Hygiene Dept. National Health end Welfare Ottawa, Canada My dear Bailey: I am happy to reply to yours of the 17th. Boulgakov is located at the “Institut de Bacteriophage (d'ierelle)" in Paris; I can send you a more complete address, if you wish, when I return to Hadism. Sertic has not been heard from for at least 15 years, is pre- sumed dead. On our request for flageller-specific phages, Boulgakev sent us VIII~-113 and another. The latter proved, however, to be an ordinary O-specific phage; the former indiscriminately lyses a mmber of different serotypos, but only Plagellated forms, and has been useful in the selection of O-varlants. I do not believe that any phages exist that are specific for H-antigon "ad". (Felix! co nent on this somewhere was based on a misreading of the papers, as far as I Imow.) At any rate, the only flagellar phage that seems to be carried in stock anywhere is the VIII~113. I will be happy to send you a sanple of this when T get hack to Madienn. Ae I may be quite busy, please allow me two or three weeks. I will also send you Boulgakev's full address. If I can help in any other way. Dlease let me know. For our own investigations, I would be grateful to haw (eventually) any additional, reasonably stable non-flagellated mutants that, may turn up, preferably. in 5. typhimurium, but acceptably in other group B or D. Would you keep this in mind’ Unfortunately, the flagellar phage does not attack more than a small fraction of mokile types, and often leaves resistant survivors only a few of which are stable non-flagellated mutants. > yours sincerely, \ f Peo sy bey “* a ; fhtagt? a é ty baad {Joshua Lederberg a Professor #f Genoti dd