Pn i L September 17, 1979 Dr. Joseph Ernst Director The Rockefeller Archive Center Hillcrest, Pocantico Hills North Tarrytown, New York 10591 Dear Joe: I just had a very interesting conversation with Marion Javits which is connected with her interest in a various applications of holography. To jump to a con- clusion I wondered if it would be an interesting idea to sponsor a conference on the uses of holography for the preservation of representations: of historically important artifacts. I am not at all abreast of what's actually going on in this field although I know a number of people have been trying to get representations of important statues: from antiquity before they become totally corroded. One idea I had discussed with her is that the Smith- sonian might eventually be interested in establishing a holographic portrait gallery and she will be making some independent approaches along that line. Apparently she has had some discussion about holo- graphic portraiture with Laurence Rockefeller and that might be a platform from which to discuss possible funding of the conference in question. Anyhow, I just wanted to float the idea in general terms. Mrs. Javits is quite enthusiastic about it and I am Sure would be glad to hear directly from you if you have any further particular thoughts on the question. Ys, JL cc: Mrs. Marion Javits