[written in right margin, Javits, M.] Marian Javits 11/18/79 "Bread and butter", and much more How uncommonly and superbly kind and gracious were you and Jack. I can't remember a more scintillating group of people; and your apartment (not to mention the dinner!) was a charm and a privilege to enjoy. Thank you so much From both of us. Sincerely, Joshua. [stamped, SEP -- 4 1985] I believe that is where I met Wolferesohns [?], (and Z. Mehta) [END PAGE ONE] [BEGIN PAGE TWO] Marian P.S. Is it too gauche for me to ask you for a list of your guests, esp first names? There was more in one helping than we could digest! Would you or Jack (I realize how unlikely) or both be free and able to be my guest(s) here at the university at the next meeting of our "council"? It is the best way to get a nontechnical glimpse of the research at the university. Next round will be Wednesday Jan. 16th from 9 AM through lunch. The theme will be parasitology research and world health. Yours, Joshua. enc: RUC