oY Rockefeller THE ROCKEFELLER UNIVERSITY on University /< 1230 YORK AVENUE NEW YORK, NY 10021 “> ae October 31, 1978 JOSHUA LEDERBERG PRESIDENT Senator Jacob K. Javits 110 East 45th Street New York, New York 10017 Dear Jack: I was indeed so delighted to see that you did manage to make it to my installation and I am doubly gratified now at your initiative in arranging to put these remarks in the Record. I trust there would be no inconvenience in holding them up for a few weeks since the Senate has recessed and this will give me a decent opportunity just to touch up some of the ex- temporaneous. part. of my remarks so.that. they. make. sense . in print. The minor indisposition of my shoulder, that was evidenced by a sling, turns out to be a torn tendon and that will take me just about that length of time for a convalescence after the more or less minor surgery that was involved. I really am very pleased to be able to reconnect with you in just this way on my return to New York; and I hope that any way that I can be of assistance to you you will not hesitate to tell me. . Yours sincerely, JoShua Lederberg bcc: RWN RFC BB