JACOB K. JAVITS HO EAST FORTY-FIFTH STREET New YorK, N.Y. 1lOO17 October 18, 1978 Dear Joshua: Marian and I attended your installation (I just literally got off the plane after having a tough session) and were deeply moved and deeply gratified by the proceedings. They befitted the solemnity as well as the quality of the occasion. All the speakers were brilliant and I was especially moved by Father Hesburgh stirring a call to our noral responsibility for the world's poor. I would like very much to have the privilege of inserting your address and that of Father Hesburgh in the Congressional Record with suitable remarks when the Senate reconvenes and hope this will be satisfactory to you. Marian and I send our warmest regards and hope to see you again soon. Sincerel K. Javits * The Honorable Joshua Lederberg Rockefeller University 1230 York Avenue New York, New York 10021 aya pte pothesis, Ate TLS topos ew i ts rae lesen oe a 7 & S, He he pl i ce tee Bch _ “jae pln pan ze, iv