THE ROCKEFELLER UNIVERSITY 1230 YORK AVENUE NEW YORK, NY 10021 December 9, 1980 JOSHUA LEDERBERG PRESIDENT ‘Dr. Gerald Edelman The Rockefeller University Dear Gerry: The ms. "Sulfhydryl-dependent inhibition of lymphocyte and microtubule assembly by quinone metabolites of benzene" by R. D. Irons, D. Neptun and R. W. Pfeifer has been sent to me for communication to the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. The journal's procedure requires in- dependent, anonymous review by two referees. Would you be able and agreeable to reviewing the ms. and recording your comments on the enclosed form provided by PNAS? If this is not feasible for you, within a reasonable period of time please return the ms. and form; but I would be grateful for your suggestions of alternative referees. I fully appreciate the burden entailed by this kind of task, but am sure it is not necessary ,to elaborate on the categorical need for quality control that is only possible by mutual criticism in science. Your comments will be returned to the author under strict anonymity, and I will of course hold them as privileged and confidential. Siyserely, shua Lederberg Encls.