L KS Once Y {SEP ay Br STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR RALEIGH 27611 JAmES B. HUNT, JR. —— GOVERNOR August 30, 1978 Professor Joshua Lederberg Stanford University School of Medicine Dept. of Genetics Stanford, California 94395 Dear Professor Lederberg: You are among those who have very cordially responded to Governor Hunt's request for advice concerning the North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics. He has since forwarded to you a booklet describing our progress to date in establishing the School. I write at this time to seek further counsel: Can you suggest one or more individuals as candidates for the administrative head of this School? The Board of Trustees, soon to be appointed, will decide who should hold this position. I am simply preparing an initial list of outstanding candidates for their consideration. The Board will also determine the title for the chief administrator-- e.g. headmaster, superintendent, or some other term. Naturally, we are seeking the most capable individual we can find. Demonstrated competence in science and mathematics, breadth and depth of vision, diplomacy, leadership, adminis- trative skill, and educational experience are among the qualifications we © consider important, in no particular order. Your suggestions will be very much appreciated and, if convenient to do so, please include a resume or other biographical information. Also, if you have acquaintances who would like to make suggestions we would be very grateful. With best personal regards. Quentin W. Lindsey Science and Public Policy Advisor SRREFELLER Ug, Opp, & LUCE oF Tye pees ZN