THE UPJOHN COMPANY GEMELLER Oia Te JUL-ยง 1979 ce oF tye vA as KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN 49001, U.S.A. W. N. HUBBARD, JR. M.D. President July 2, 1979 TELEPHONE: (616) 323-6195 Joshua Lederberg, President The Rockefeller University 1230 York Avenue New York, NY 10021 Dear Josh: I have received the volume, "Of Acceptable Risk," by Bill Lawrence and have read it with pleasure. The problems of determination of definable risks and the quantitation of definable benefits surely stands as a major intellectual challenge to our society. I was very sorry that I wasn't able to attend the Third L. C. Dunn Lecture. Actually, I had not been aware of this lecture series and had somehow missed your connection with Dr. Dunn. As you may know, I lived in the Dunns' home and was in Maine with them for the years 1940 and 1941. I was one of a line of Columbia College students that helped to care for Steven during those years. Actually, there is no one person who had a greater influence on my intellectual evolution than did Dr. Dunn. I have not by any means forgotten our conversation. We are in the process of talking with two or three other academic departments along the lines that you and I pursued. I feel confident that the area in which cooperation is suitable and mutually advantageous can be defined. On the other hand, I fear there are many plausible but inappropriate relationships that have to be identified and avoided, Best personal wishes. Cordially yours, FN Uibdat, j W. N. Hubbard, Jr. a sb bun