May 11, 1979 - Friday if Memo to File - Subject: Bill Hubbard, Constructive Conversation Quite a lot of ideas came across: the agenda was how to get a better relationship between the University and the pharmaceutical industry. This eventually boiled down to still trying to look for a connection at the research de- partment level but this does not have to be so immediately product oriented as Monsanto. That is motivated by the fact that Monsanto has no biological capability of its own and therefore must buy this outside. As far as Upjohn is con- cerned they have a number of people working at a fundamental level who would be from his view delighted to find some relationship to a set a number of points. From that other things would flow more or less naturally if there is a colleague connection. The next step is to mail him our catalogues and he will try to identify specific projects and programs that might be of mutual interest. Reproductive Biology, neurotransmitters, T cell antigens and monoclonal antibody are the ones that came to his mind most immediately. He thought we should do the same with other research directors and that there were only about half a dozen or so that would be worth exploring because only a few companies have the 25 year outlook that is necessary. The ones that he qualified highest were Merck, Hoffmann-La Roche, Upjohn, maybe Syntex, maybe Burroughs Wellcome, Lilly less than before. At another xxex Sterling, Merck and home products Pfizer. There are company traditions that stem from the experience of past success of scientific input that then sometimes generate a self-sustaining cycle. The top management of many companies is often not very well informed and is hard to get to them. Individual companies are rather small by industrial standards and one perhaps should do some homework to see how well they do by comparison with the rest of industry. It will be rather difficult to break through the products/research orientation. Companies have tended to use the PMA Foundation as a protective device but that is not doing too badly. He felt that companies that had made gifts sometimes experienced a backlash. For example, after Upjohn had endowed a number of programs at the levels of say one half million or so they got a flood of angry demands "You owe me" on the part of others who had not been so favored and this had pushed them out of such programs. They do make some anonymous gifts by preference to the uncertain public relations advantages. There total program is of the order of one and a quarter million out of a net of 130 million so they are probably close to the corporate average even at a place that should be as enlightened as Upjohn This is not to say that the Chairman shares Bill Hubbard vision. His further point was that the pharmaceutical industry is an unreal set, there are not more than about six companies that have a 25 year perspective on the part of management which would be needed to be sympathetic to the needs of the Rockefeller University. One has to distinguish the research directors from the top management. The PMA Foundation fends off requests on the one hand and gets them away from the "You owe me" syndrome on the other. Upjohn even makes some of its contribution on an anonymous basis. I think we should order about 6 copies of Bill Lowrance's book "Of Acceptable Risk" which is published by Kaufman Associates in Los Altos and remember to send one directly to Bill Hubbard. I also told him I would try to get Dick Young to be a bird dog on the range of programs that are going on at the appropriate companies to help find the right matches to our group. He made the point that the opportunity for continuity and follow through in a given area of study including right on through the clinic was an important ingredient and he mentioned Bergstrom and the Karolinska as an instance. In re Dale Robertson's work the estrogen therapy of males has not worked to improve myocardium farction. That would be an interesting control for Robertson to consider as to the significant of the HDL levels. On the other hand, Medroxy pro- gesterone does not clinically add to the burden of women using this progestational contraceptive. He did not know whether HDL studies have been made. Robertson might want to contact them to see how to relate that to his problem. Paul Gross' needs at Woods Hole might be interesting candi- dates for financial support from Upjohn. Indonesia was the only country to terminate its own program of deepoprovera testing under the impact of the FDA action. Remember to send a note to Bill also about our June 7th program any people he might wish to nominate to come as a guest. In re policy studies he thought that the quality control community might be an interesting point of connection. He thought they would be very interested in providing support either directly for research assistant for the comparative toxicology seminar or even just for program definition of our future intentions in that field. On the substance of comparative toxicology we agreed that genetic pharmacology was an interesting point of entry and he suggested Lado at Michigan in particular. The existing tra- ditions of work in chronic toxicity: of epidemiology, veterinary pathology or pharmacology have not given much of a comparative emphasis. Then he thought that the industry had an enormous variety of unpublished findings specific toxicity which are product failures and therefore do not get to be published. They could be important grist for the mill in looking for comparative 2 confrontations. During the discussion I finally formed the resolve that we were going to have to establish our own program including at least a junior chair in this field and Bill said Upjohn would want to be among those interested in funding it. So we ought to put together an opportunity package in just that area and see what happens. I think we could probably fund it at the level of a tenured chair if we could identify an individual who probably does not exist to take charge of it. The phrase and concept "comparative toxicology" were automatically familiar as soon as uttered but Bill himself was not able to give any prior instances.