hn , “rai ; VUprohw Fue 5/ Rockefeller THE ROCKEFELLER UNIVERSITY Pye bx . University JE 1230 YORK AVENUE NEW YORK, NY 10021 “DNL? March 19, 1979 pase JOSHUA LEDERBERG PRESIDENT Dr. William N. Hubbard, Jr. President The Upjohn Company 7000 Portage Road Kalamazoo, Michigan 49001 Dear Bill: This is just to confirm an opportunity for a date here the afternoon of May 10th. If you have the time, we are planning to hold a lunch for a number of people who might be interested in the University (and perhaps know rather less about it than you do). At those lunches we generally have a couple of our professors talk about some elements of their work and I suspect you would find that en- gagement pleasant and informative. I would be de- lighted indeed if you could include this in the rep- ertoire of your visit. However, there were also a number of matters that I wanted to take up with you quite privately; and for that the relevant time would start at around 2:00 p.m. So please let me know if you can be with us for lunch that day; but more importantly if there is an hour, between 2:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m., that we might get to- gether here. You are probably pressed, while traveling; so if you would like me to hop a cab to a point of your own convenience, please just give me the nod. My Main agenda is what we can all contrive to do better along the lines of the Industry: University in- terface, to which I alluded in my talk. Your extraor- dinary range of experience on both Sides of that fence is what I would like to tap for counsel and wisdom, as much as any specific action that you might be in a per- sonal position to facilitate. Yours” sincerely, C / Joshua Lederberg