ASSOCIATED UNIVERSITIES, ING. SUITE 603 1717 MaSSACHUSETTS AVENUE, N. W. WASHINGTON, D. G. 20036 ct Jnr _ Pp 202/462-4475 March 29, 1979 Dr. Joshua Lederberg President The Rockefeller University 66 York Avenue New York, NY Dear Josh: I haven't seen you for a long time. Don't you ever come to Washington? Please call me, since I would like very much to talk with you. Today, I am writing you in regard to a situation which is becoming necessary in the New York area and which, I understand, might become quite interesting. This is setting up a central organization for genetics between the different important universities in the metro- politan area. There are some geneticists in the New York region more outstanding than others. You have a very good man in Dr. James German at the New York Blood Center wha, I think, is a very know- ledgeable person. I would like to suggest that he be consulted in connection with the organization of this new and essential facility. In any case, this is a very interesting idea and if you need any help from here, I will be glad to do what I'can. Please let me know when you visit Washington so that we might get together. Best personal regards. Cordia > ’ Alexander Hollaender AH/cmw