THE MOUNT SINAI MEDICAL CENTER ONE GUSTAVE L. LEVY PLACE * NEW YORK, NLY. 10029 OF THE CITY UNIVERSITY Se mew yore Mount Sinai School of Medicine * The Mount Sinai Hospital - - +.» - SO OREFELLER ‘UN, RX “Ey Department of Neoplastic Diseases OCT. 12 19793 Y wes October 1, 1979 Seg OF THE press Dr. Joshua Lederberg President, Rockefeller University 1230 York Avenue New York, New York 10021 Dear Josh: The enclosed correspondence deals with the nominations for the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 1980. "...the Nobel Assembly is at present very much interested in the field of chemotherapy. I am within this Assembly asked to evaluate the present situation. I found your letter very valuable. I feel that the best way would be to proceed at this point by a personal talk....." I have been asked to stimulate potential lists of candidates from nominating institutions so that the Assembly has opportunities to deliberate whether this is indeed an appropriate area for prize award. I believe that the impetus to the field of chemo- therapy would be considerable, and that the accomplishments in terms of decreasing mortality and cures in specific diseases makes this a wholly reasonable area for recognition, . Since Rockefeller University is a perpetual nominating institution, I hope you and the faculty may see fit to nominate deserving candidates in the field of chemotherapy. A u Sincerely, James F. Holland, M.D. Professor and Chairman American Cancer Society Professor of Clinical Oncology JFH:sm