EFELLER Uy Gout WER v S . ae {JUN 20 1978 ? 0 Ok iC of THE onesie a HOFFMANN-LA ROCHE INC. NUTLEY * NEW JERSEY © 07110 June 18, 1979 Dr. Joshua Lederberg The Rockefeller University 1230 York Avenue New York, New York 10021 Dear Dr. Lederberg: As a participant in the third year of our Distinguished Lecturers Series, you helped to maintain the high standard of excellence which has char- acterized our program from its inception. This excellence is readily apparent, we believe, in the lectures contained in our first published booklet of distinguished lectures previously sent to you. We are planning to publfsh a second issue. The purpose of this publication would be the same as that of our program itself--to promote the thoughts wa and ideas of prominent individuals in our society. In this regard, we would like to include your lecture in such a document. Other participants who are being contacted include Mr. Norman Cousins, Dr. R. Buckminster Fuller, Dr. Bruce MacLaury and Dr. Jerome B. Wiesner. We will be happy to forward a transcribed copy of your remarks. Any edi- -~ torial revision you care to make would be welcomed. We intend to send the booklet to selected leaders in government, business, academia, science, the health field, public interest groups and the media. SL We hope you grant permission to include your lecture in this publication. Your remarks provided us with incisive and stimulating commentary on im- portant issues. I am sure others will benefit from them as well. We look forward to your response. Very truly yours, Ho, nA my) Assistant Vice President Department of Public Affairs PHARMACEUTICALS © FINE CREMICALS © VITAMINS © “TEDICAL FLETTS ON. CS 6 DIAGNOSTICS