v~J HINSEY 8M, CHATEAU LORRAINE SCARSDALE, NEW YORK 10583 814 723 1995 May 8, 1979 Dr. Joshua Lederberg, President, Rockefeller University, 66th and York Avenue, New York, New York 10021 Dear Doctor Lederburg: In going over some books in my library the other day, I found an extra copy of the autobiography written by the late Herbert S. Gasser which I had published after his passing. The preface explainns my association with him, one which had a great influence on what happened to me. A laminectomy performed at four lumbar for a mid- line disc in 1964 left me dependant on canes and my activities have been circumscribed. TI regret that we were unable to attend the festivities held when you were inaugurated. From 1936 until my retirement in 1969, my activities were involved in what happened around the corners of 68th and York Avenue. TI share with you experiences at Wisconsin and at Stanford. Not long ago, Dr. Russell Lee wrote of having cared for all the Presidents of Stanford. It happens that I was privileged to have known all the Stanford Presidents up to Dr an and I have known all your predecessors a¥ the Institute and the University. I was pleased to see that you will be delivering the address at the commencement in May at New York Hospital Cornell. TI have always been impressed with the great potential represented by the insti- tutions around your corners, I regret that our paths have not crossed but I send Best Wishes to you for great happines and Success in your new position and in token thereof I am sending a little book which tells about the life of one of my idols and éreat teacher snf@ friend. Sincerely, nol: os@ph C.Hingey