Office of the President oN wD bor FB. ~ m ¢ i ‘. - Unuibersity of Notre Dame Notre Dame, Indiana 46556 Cable Address “ulac” August 18, 1978 ws Dear David: I would be very happy to maintain my record of helping to install presidents at The Rockefeller University, especially Joshua Lederberg. I would be happy to supplement the formal invocation with a few remarks on science and human development, especially since I just returned from visiting ten countries on that theme. I take it that the remarks could be eoncluded by a brief invocation and that in the whole matter we are talking of five to ten minutes. If I am mistaken in this assumption, I trust you'll let me know frankly, as I would only want to do what is fitting and proper on this occasion. 2 All best wishes. ee 3 Mr. David Rockefeller The Chase Manhattan Bank 1 Chase Manhattan Plaza New York, New York pleabwyt