Heth § ¥ gore? STAY, ee fe : 2 7 :SZ g UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Ya WASHINGTON, D.C. 20460 “, Al paee ee JAN 5 1979 x ¢ TSCA EPA Ce : _ . OFFICE OF TOXIC SUBSTANCES Dear Colleague, Please excuse this xerox copy, but it is not possible to write each of you individually at this time. As you can see from the letterhead, I have transferred to the Office of Toxic Substances (OTS) within EPA. With the evolution of the NIH/EPA Chemical Information - System (CIS) reaching a new maturation, we all believe it is best to continue the development of CIS in a way to insure maximum capabilities for the user communities through the systems being developed and coordinated by OTS under its mandate of the Toxic Substances Control Act. I will be working in the OTS Chemical Information Division, headed by Bruno Vasta, whom many of you know from his many years in the field of chemical information. To those of you who presently use or collaborate with the NIH/EPA Chemical Information System, Bruno and I would like to assure you that this internal reorganization is meant to strengthen efforts for CIS development. For all practical purposes this move will be transparent to you, but with the complexity of the Government bureaucracy, we all thought it best to explicitly write to you. While I am \; still at the same location in Washington. my mailing code has we been changed from PM-218 to TS-793, so please make a note of =o this. At present my phone is still the same 202-755-4938. pe As part of my work at OTS I will be involved with development and interfacing of additional systems besides it the NIH/EPA Chemical Information System. These include the internal OTS System - CICIS - Chemicals in Commerce Informa- tion System and the long-term coordination project - CSIN ~- the Chemical Substance Information Network. I hope there will be areas of mutual interest in CICIS, CSIN and other such projects, so that we may extend our cooperation and collaboration beyond the NIH/EPA Chemical Information System. Best wishes for a healthy, happy and productive New year. With warm regards, Ponsa Stephen R. Heller Physical Scientist, Chemical Information Division