THE NEW YORK TIMES COMPANY FOUNDATION, FRED M. HECHINGER President October 16, 1980 Mr. Joshua Lederberg President The Rockefeller University 1230 York Avenue New York, New York 10021 Dear Josh: Many thanks for your kind invitation to the “Evening at The Rockefeller University." I am embarrassed that I did not acknowledge your letter sooner to tell you that we would be unable to attend the October 14th function. However, we will be delighted to come on De- cember 15th. It sounds like an exciting even- ing and we very much look forward to it. And, of course, we look forward especially to see- ing Margarite and you. Grace joins me in sending our:best. Cordially, FMH: £k & V V/ 229 West 43 Street, New York, N.Y, 10036